Saturday, June 30, 2007


You knew it was coming sooner or later. This photo just had to rear its ugly rear at you again from the safety of its net of the world-wide variety. Somehow things which happen have this way of happening that makes you wish that they never had happened. It makes you wonder why when you had to take the road of life, why you had to have chose the highway with the road accident, I mean, collision ('accident' implies that there's no one to blame. haha. hot fuzz!) But then you realise that after all, all roads lead to Rome right? And since you're travelling on the road, the fact that the rain in Spain falls mainly on the plains, means that your journey is pretty much independent on whether the weather stays in your favour or not. Plus, now you know that the grass isn't simply just greener on the other side, but probably rather waterlogged at that. With this in mind, you can now champion the cause of travelling without having to have worried about getting your salted peanuts. You can now have your PIE and love it, knowing that the CBD has its ERP and hence suffers a notable amount of GST. Now you know that quantum is bollocks anyway, as who really cares where your particle will end up, as long as you get bacon for breakfast the next day. It might also dawn on you, after dusk perhaps, that not everything matters, but the things which do, matter a lot.

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The Shadow Proves The Sunshine

Pursued by your shadow,
Haunted by the sun.
Plagued by the present,
Embrace the to come.

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Friday, June 15, 2007

Lunch For The Sky

The blur here is unrelentingly painful, but I could always use the explaination, or excuse, that I meant for it to look painterly. So there.

I tried to not just get the beach, but the people involved as well. Sadly, I don't think they really wanted to be involved, and also because a guy with a phone for a camera looks pretty damn dubious. I can't decide though if the people giving massages overthere had a great spirit of determination, or if they were just being pains in our asses (which they would subsequently try to massage away. Oh the horror). Though I think I'll stick to avoiding them for now.

It is not often when the intangible nature of the sky has the opportunity to overwhelm the solid state that is the ground we stand on. Now I've seen clouds from both sides, silver linings could very well mean something which would get caught at airport security.

And that deviously majestic glow right there is what causes the subtle roasting of your skin to that brown, crisp perfection. Which happens to hurt a hell lot.

Some things cause the world to stop and to look. And sometimes, this thing is the world itself.

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Saturday, June 02, 2007

The View From There

... There being this foreign land of Thailand where we spent a week of our sad student lives, a welcome change to the numbing repetition of work and wallowing in quick succession through our progression of school. Sadly I could not take a piece of Thailand home, but I could take a few photographs, and this is what I leave you with. Though these serve as an inundation of inadequacies which barely possess providence enough to depart deliberation in you, I at least hope that they might arouse in you feeling - be it feelings of reminiscence, shock, horror, awe, indignation, joy, grief or insight. Now enter this painted story, of tales of bravery, bravado and bullshit, where the world seemed to revolve around one place, and the stories it has to tell.